
There’s a ton in here to choose from, so get looking. It’s as easy as searching a recipe, like ‘Enchiladas’ and any enchiladas will come up (btw my chicken enchis are stupid good) or an ingredient like ‘pepperoni’ and anything with pepperoni in it will come up. Almost everything is dog simple, sorry dogs. So don't be shy, just find something, get in your kitchen and have a go at it. And if you’re more of a visual learner, scope out our YouTube where you can watch exactly how it’s made.

I don't believe that people can't cook, it's just that they don't.

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Wait, but you're a visual learner right? No worries cuz we've got you covered there too. We make these recipes on Sam The Cooking Guy Online in HD. New episodes posted (almost) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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