It was December 2001, and because of the nightmare of 9/11 I’ve thrown out my idea for a travel show and instead have decided to go with cooking. So I hired a guy to shoot and edit my demo. They are so many things wrong with it (including me) it's almost comical - so watch for these:

  • The really shaky camera. I wanted the guy to shoot it handheld, but at times it looks like he was holding the camera during an earthquake

  • I rarely smile - maybe a quick one or two but generally I just look pissed off

  • Watch for his shadow on the cupboards, generally not a good thing to see the camera person's shadow

  • Out the window above the sink, you’ll see a stand holding a black curtain thing. It’s to keep unwanted light out, and you were not meant to see it

  • When I couldn't find the whisk, the guy wanted to take it out - but it felt authentic so I had him leave it in. And even though it took me about 6 months to find my TV 'voice' - that missing whisk was a glimmer of who I'd eventually become

As crappy as it was, at the time it was my own cinematic masterpiece.  And the most important thing to remember – it got me on TV.